We've been scheming about something for a while...and we figured now is the time to come out and share! Time to go for it. And no better time than the present, right?
Thus... (drumroll please).... we're hitting the open road. Indefinitely. Quitting our jobs. Quitting the routine. Heck, we're quitting America for a while (North America that is) and traveling around the world.
First up: we're heading South and whipping out our Spanglish. Do you have any recs or dream spots we must hit up? Mexico, Bolivia, Panama, Peru, Columbia, Argentina, Brazil...the longtime coveted Patagonia... We figure Meg can continue her marathon training and not get bored exploring new trails, and I'll have all sorts of new dance cultures to dive into. What better way to embark on a new season?
We may not be doing it all by bike, but we're ready for the open road (and water).
Hope you'll join us on at least one part of our journey!
And, NYC, we'll always love you. xoxo
- itinerary: coming soon.
- how to pack for a trip around the world: coming soon.
- how to finance a trip around the world: coming soon.
- what day is it? coming soon.
APRIL FOOLS. we have been threatening to do this for years. still not happening quite yet. more thoughts on that soon...