san diego, ca

Oh San Diego, how I love you with your endless summer. Well at least it is an endless summer to me.  

san diego glory

After covering ourselves in a thick layer of dust at Joshua Tree, half of our group moseyed on over to San Diego in which two of us had to present at a conference... did I confuse you yet?  For the most part, I like what I get to do at work but what makes me love my job are my vacation days and travel opportunities. In the past 12 months, I have been in California for work 3 times and each time I have been able to take some time off and explore a new part of the state. I need this time away from routine and numbers to reset. Don't we all? The monotony of the day-in, day-out can make me feel like it am spinning in circles and never gaining ground, never moving forward. We all talk about unplugging but how often do we actually do it? Which is where the work-vacation combo is key. Everyone knows I am out of town and most people don't know exactly when I should be leaving and when I should be coming back. While during my other work holidays, the fun has always come after the work - in a place like San Diego how could I not get out and take advantage of the beach?

san diego ferry
2 babes on san diego beach

San Diego, you did not disappoint. With your friendly people and gorgeous beaches, you created quite the mid-vacation work retreat. 


- a group of us took surf lessons at surfari. just do it. you won't be sorry.  (yes, i'm a rapper.)