
So... maybe we've taken a break from blogging over the past month? Don't get us wrong, it wasn't intentional. We were summering and adventuring and having such a good time that we forgot to write about it. Maybe that means we're doing it right?

It's looked a lot like this:

and this:

and this: 

When we weren't able to escape the NYC area, we found all the things we love about summer in the city to cope. Those things most always include sunsets, rooftops, beaches, and cupcakes. 

in the clouds
cousins on the intrepid
rockaway blues
friends and cupcakes take 1
friends and cupcakes take 2
yoga on phelps lake, wyoming
grand teton park
rafting the snake river
prospect park dance film
protect your heart
pool backyard life
rockaway nap
beach frolic
hudson sunset

Perhaps we enjoyed the glass of wine on the roof or savored the last moment of the sun setting over the Hudson a little too much... as the last thing I've wanted to do is go to my computer and tell you about it at the end of the day. I rather soak up these moments than sit in front of a computer screen. Do you get me? Sometimes screens seem like the loneliest thing to me. I know cell phones and social media have connected our world in a way never imagined, but there is nothing sadder than watching someone taking a selfie on a sunset-lit pier to prove to all of these mythical followers of theirs that they're having a blast, when really they're alone and they want someone to share it with. So they share it with a screen. I wonder if all these bloggers and travel writers out there actually enjoy their present? It's hard to balance being where you are and trying to document and share it all the time. How do you balance? We're trying to experience our summer, our friends, and the places we wander and share what we find. Not plan out our photo shoot of a journey before we've even taken it. We don't want to go on such predictable journeys. That's not how we roll :) And I'm so thankful for it. But boy, do we have some stories to share! And we promise we're taking the time to start sharing them again here! Sorry for the delay, we were too busy summering. 

feet up